(picture of my sona)
hello and welcome to my
site! ive been meaning to get a personal website up for a
while, so i’m glad to finally launch it
here. its still a work in progress, hopefully i set everything up right.
anyways, a little info about me: my name is
orson but i also go by
grr (pronounced like
"gir") or
grey. i'm currently living in
washington dc. i like
drawing, painting, making digital art, and most recently in 2023 i’ve gotten into making
figures/sculptures. i also like making
electronic music, playing guitar, and
writing songs. my favorite animals are
rabbits, bears, and
dogs. i guess i should also mention my pronouns are
he or
they. i’m going to share my art and music here, kind of like a “hub” for my other social media sites, maybe make some blogposts or WIP stuff too...i'll figure it out more
later. you can find me on my social media accounts on my
links page, or contact me on discord at grrrr#6708. thanks for
this is a test entry! please ignore it for now as my site is still under construction. It's also called placeholder (or fillegfr) text. It's a conven
ient tool for mock-ups.Lorem Ipsum:
usage Lorem ipsum is a pseudo-Latin te
xt used in web desdfgdfgdf
usage Lorem ipsum is a pseudo-Latin text. It's a conven
ient tool for mock-ups.Lorem Ipsum:r content. It's also called placeholder (or fill
er) textsign elements
over content. It's also called placeholder (or fillegfr) teipsum is a pseudo-Latin te
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o emphasise design elements over content. It's also called placeholder (or fill
er) textsign elplace of English t
o emphasise design elements over content. It's also called placeholder (or fill
er) textsign elements
over content. It's also called placeholder (or fillegfr) text. It's a conven
ient tool for mock-ups.Lorem Ipsum:
usage Lorem ipsum is a pseudo-Latin te
xt used in web desdfgdfgdf
usage Lorem ipsum is a pseudo-Latin text. It's a conven
ient tool for mock-ups.Lorem Ipsum:jshdfkjhskfjhskjdh